Our Causes

At Peace of My Heart, we focus on 3 main causes in our philonthropic efforts

  • Helping the victims of human trafficking and prosecuting those responsible.
  • Ending homelessness in America.
  • Helping the millions suffering from the disease of Addiction.

We encourage you to visit each page and read about the issues and what we are doing to fix them.

How You Can Get Involved

Call (313) 692-3562 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved

Human Trafficking Victims

Learn how we support victoms of human trafficking and what we are doing to stop those involved!

Ending Homelessness

Everyone needs a roof over their head at night! Check out how we are fighting to end homelessness!

Fighting Addiction

Accidential drug overdoses are the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Watch us change that!

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Send us a message, give us a call, email us, you can even send up somke signals, we only care that you get in touch with us and get involved!

Atlanta, GA

Call Us: (235) 135-2351