Make a Donation Today!

Every penny counts!

Giving Options

Choose a Specific Fund or Cause

Choose the cause that speaks to you the most.

Give to All Causes

Have your donation evenly distributed among all the causes we support.

Where to Give

Donate Online

The easiest way to donate is right here, on our website.

Attend an Event

Peace of My Heart throws fundraisers all the time and they are located all over the country, so show your support by dropping buy one of our events.

Peace of My Heart Causes

Human Trafficking Victims

Help victims of human trafficking and help put away the criminals behind these horrible crimes.


$0 Donated

End Homelessness

Help us end homelessness now! Everyone deserves a roof over their head!


$0 Donated

Drug Addiction

Millions of people are suffering from the disease of addiction and they need our help!


$0 Donated

About Your Donations, Where & How They are used

After operating costs, 90% of y9our donation goes directly to the causes we support. Here are some examples of how your donations are spent:

  • Housing ( We help find housing,develop plan to become self-sustaining, rent, deposits, insurance, etc…)
  • Medical Care ( physicals, surgery, therapy visits, prescripions, x-rays, detox clinics, drug addiction treatment programs, etc…)
  • Transportation ( Access to public transportation to get/keep a job)
  • Special persecution of human traffickers ( Equipment, Survalence, traveling expenses, lobbying to Congress)

How many non-profits are there in the United States?

1.7 Million.

What % of non-profits operate on a budget of less that 1 million?


What % of public charties have a revenue of less than $99,000?


How much of the workforce do non-profits employ?


Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Send us a message, give us a call, email us, you can even send up somke signals, we only care that you get in touch with us and get involved!

Atlanta, GA

Call Us: (235) 135-2351